
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday - May 26

I have "I Capture the Castle" to thank for the way I use the word "capture." Also, at the end, I mean, I'm glad to participate in a daily conversation... not that I'm actually talking every day.


Thursday said...

I enjoy writing things down that I want to be sure to remember, and then looking back on them is fun too, or . . . sometimes not fun, but Good. I think that if we (I mean I) spend too much time recording, or recalling . . . the time can be wasted, and the moment I had to experience at that time is gone.

I'm not really sure we need a measuring stick . . . I think that . . . you either know something is important to record or remember . . . or you don't. And I can't say that we always know what is going to be important in the future because we don't, but . . . I don't know if a measuring stick would really be useful.

Liz said...
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A&A said...

Whoa, no way, I was totally going to blog about a similar idea yesterday, I feel the satisfaction of hearing you talk about something I was thinking about too! :D

I, am obsessed with remembering. Everything. Because I don't process things until far after they've happened, "capturing" experiences is the best way for me to suck such experiences of their lessons and significance. I'm /still/ discovering moments that changed me, milestones of life, from years and years ago that are significant to now even though they were mostly meaningless to me then.

Yes, I think you're completely accurate about that pressure to record, it almost takes away from the effectiveness of the memory if it was formed under duress of its own purpose! But, I like preserving memories, I don't find pressure often, except when God's rocked my foundations . . . it makes me desperate to capture the revelation . . . but in Him we are pressing forward!

Feelings, emotions, I'm not sure it's possible to forget those. I have no way of proving it, I guess, but it seems like sadness or hate or joy, once felt can't be forgotten, things so innate about existing. I don't bother to try and remember those things as much, because they spring to recollection without effort.

One of the things I love best, is that moment when you remember something for the first time -- the moment of the initial recollection, it's beautiful, even if the memory itself is ugly.

[/assorted semi-related thoughts]

So smiley today! [Thanks for the emotional sunlight. :)]

Wednesday said...

Hayley, I like everything you had to say. (When I read your comment yesterday, I had thought I wanted to write out a long response to it, but I don't have much to say.)

Thursday, I think you're right... a measuring stick wouldn't do much good.

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