
Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday - May 31

Sunday, I have a feeling you're going to scold me for texting while driving. Whatever.


Thursday said...

Frankfurt, my man! :)

I think that "ignorance is bliss" may be true, but . . . that's not really important. Bliss isn't the most important goal, or the most useful goal, holy goal etc. If you don't know anything bad has happened, you feel alright. But really, you want to know if something bad has happened even if it will make you depressed. I think we care more about a correct view of the world than about bliss, per se.

"is ignorance bliss . . . I don't know!" Haha! That's great.

Tuesday said...

I'm gonna scold you first. Why choose instant gratification over focusing on the road? It also would not have ruined their day if you had waited a bit. Realize that the world of chat has conditioned you to need to respond even at increased risk to your health.


You assume that one would know that they were being lame. But if you're ignorant of your lameness, you can still have bliss.

**Cheeky grin**

On a more serious note, there are many things that I wish I had not learned. In that sense, I was much more blissful before I learned them and would be much happier without learning them at all. Innocence FTW. However, I think that for the most part, we should accept the state we're in right now, even the depressing stuff - not necessarily focus on it (because what comes from that?), but be aware and try to do something about it in our own lives and the lives of others.

In that sense, even if ignorance is bliss, it's also irresponsible. Thus I agree with you, Thursday. Very good insight in that comment.

Can't wait for the follow-up!

Wednesday said...

I think it's an overstatement to say that ignorance is bliss. It may be more comfortable, but it doesn't seem to be any kind of exalted feeling. Who gets excited about something that isn't there? (unless it was something reluctantly expected, like, say, a test... and it's cancelled)

On the other hand, it is possible to know that you don't know something. Hmm. When you don't know, and enjoy it, I suppose it could be blissful.

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