Last Nationals, Wednesday and I were talking about this same subject, and she said, "Why can't I marry all my friends?!"
I think, just like we know people in degrees, for every degree of "knownness" there's also a degree of "aloneness" in that there are parts of ourselves we just cannot communicate fully and accurately. Which is not to say we are completely alone, just that, sin and separation are real, and I'm kind of stoked for the restoration and remedy.
Also, my response may be colored somewhat by my irrational desire to stick up for what I thought was a cool quote. ;P
The last line was probably the most meaningful... but the rest was good too.
Yeah, as someone who's into knowing other people, I do hope that heaven is like that.
Of course, whenever I say that I "hope" heaven is like that... if it's different, it doesn't mean that heaven didn't mean my expectations, it means that my expectations didn't meet heaven.
But I think it makes sense as well. I think that marriage is a picture of God's oneness with himself (Trinity - separate natures, same person), a picture of Christ's relationship with the church, and that it's also a picture of how things ought to be with everyone. It's the closest we can get (in an idealish marriage) to how things should be.
This video was too quiet for this laptop. I had to use headphones.
Also, the unit of measurement you should use is clearly the epoch. Perfect, right?
A Year Of Questions is a project begun on March 22, 2010, by seven teens who want to be better at asking questions and articulating answers. This blog exists to make it easier to discuss these questions (because a 500 character limit on YouTube comments is rather limiting). Enjoy!
Last Nationals, Wednesday and I were talking about this same subject, and she said, "Why can't I marry all my friends?!"
I think, just like we know people in degrees, for every degree of "knownness" there's also a degree of "aloneness" in that there are parts of ourselves we just cannot communicate fully and accurately. Which is not to say we are completely alone, just that, sin and separation are real, and I'm kind of stoked for the restoration and remedy.
Also, my response may be colored somewhat by my irrational desire to stick up for what I thought was a cool quote. ;P
The last line was probably the most meaningful... but the rest was good too.
Yeah, as someone who's into knowing other people, I do hope that heaven is like that.
Of course, whenever I say that I "hope" heaven is like that... if it's different, it doesn't mean that heaven didn't mean my expectations, it means that my expectations didn't meet heaven.
But I think it makes sense as well. I think that marriage is a picture of God's oneness with himself (Trinity - separate natures, same person), a picture of Christ's relationship with the church, and that it's also a picture of how things ought to be with everyone. It's the closest we can get (in an idealish marriage) to how things should be.
This video was too quiet for this laptop. I had to use headphones.
Also, the unit of measurement you should use is clearly the epoch. Perfect, right?
"Why can't I marry all my friends?!"
Dude! I know. In a "not as all but you get the idea" kind of way.
Hayley, it is a cool quote, it just isn't perfectly true (that seems ironic somehow . . . as if he can't express exactly what he means.)
'there's also a degree of "aloneness" ' . . . you're right. If you want to view it all negatively like that. *sigh*
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