I'm... not sure why doing irrational things means that we're unstable. IF we know we're doing irrational things, then I think we still have faculties of our minds... just not of our actions.
A Year Of Questions is a project begun on March 22, 2010, by seven teens who want to be better at asking questions and articulating answers. This blog exists to make it easier to discuss these questions (because a 500 character limit on YouTube comments is rather limiting). Enjoy!
"humans are rational beings. that kind of irks me"
Does "crazy" mean abnormal? or irrational?
You're corrupting the youth, Sunday. We're gonna have to kill you.
I'm... not sure why doing irrational things means that we're unstable. IF we know we're doing irrational things, then I think we still have faculties of our minds... just not of our actions.
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