
Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday - May 17

I'm sick! Yaaaaaaay! Also, I've been wondering about having conversations. I wore my pajamas while I made this.


Tuesday said...

Sadly, you don't mean a tangent, since a tangent is a line that only intersects with a circle at one point. You mean a more boring term... diameter. :/ Sorry. It's the line that goes all the way through, as I'm sure you know. If our perspective of the pancake is along a line, it's along a diameter. That way, we cut right to the core of the issue.

If we look along a tangent, we've all but missed the point.

Michael Au-Mullaney said...

Micah . . . I think you're really cool. I enjoyed watching this video.

(Also, I think I agree with you :P Actually, definitely. This was like half the point of my Persuasive, or a [wait for it!] tangent point.)

Wednesday said...

"a big huge pat-yourself-on-the-back session" I know exactly what you mean.

You explained this very well. (but perhaps I just think that because I agree with you!) ;)

I love your analogy on the whole. Though, tangent doesn't seem like the right term in this sense, nor does's more that the person is occupying a different point on the pancake. I'm not sure where "the issue" is spatially located.

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