haha, yeah I hear ya on the weather overdressed/underdressed issue. I find myself saying "I didn't know it was going to rain" or "I thought it was going to warm up." Commuting also gives you time to listen to lectures you have recorded. You probably got there so early so if you hit traffic you wouldn't be late or stressed. I don't carry everything with me...I leave the kitchen sink in the trunk of the car (extra socks, "emergency rations"/food, folders, spare sweatshirt, coloring books....)
A Year Of Questions is a project begun on March 22, 2010, by seven teens who want to be better at asking questions and articulating answers. This blog exists to make it easier to discuss these questions (because a 500 character limit on YouTube comments is rather limiting). Enjoy!
Nice. I commuted to college to finish out my degree. Lived on campus at first and thought it was OK. Didn't love it but didn't hate it.
haha, yeah I hear ya on the weather overdressed/underdressed issue. I find myself saying "I didn't know it was going to rain" or "I thought it was going to warm up." Commuting also gives you time to listen to lectures you have recorded. You probably got there so early so if you hit traffic you wouldn't be late or stressed. I don't carry everything with me...I leave the kitchen sink in the trunk of the car (extra socks, "emergency rations"/food, folders, spare sweatshirt, coloring books....)
-Comrade in Commuting
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