
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday - June 1

Tuesday asks a lot of questions!


Wednesday said...

I like the multiple questions. :) They ended up kind of relating, too.

I had a dream last year that I was married at the age I am now. It was quite creepy when it happened, less so now because I'm more certain it won't come true.

Also, I think your answer about marriage is the right one.

Monday said...

I don't want to say it's okay, because that would be like I was giving you permission which - according to the "rules" from my first video and emails - I don't have the authority to do. Let the people speak.
As one of the people: I like it.
But, I think your format needs a little work. Sometimes it wasn't clear what question we were on, sometimes I didn't know that you had changed questions.

Sometimes I think it's a blessing that I don't remember my dreams.
I wonder, sometimes, about that One Thing. I think... when we make that one thing God, all other things flow from it. We limit ourselves to all things when we limit ourselves to God.

Thursday said...

I put a lot of significance of marriage myself, but it most certainly won't solve my problems. But, I think it's a sacred thing . . . I don't think it's unromantic to have someone to share in life's troubles with. You're imperfect people, each loving one another and in that helping to love God.

Tuesday said...

I love discussion! :D

Yeah, I seriously did realize that halfway through - I often make connections in the middle of my videos. It's a side effect of not thinking about it all the way through beforehand.

Well, I appreciate your opinion as a participant versus a moderator. And I agree, my format wasn't perfect - I sacrificed some of my transitions so that it would be too long for y'all's attention spans. ;) I know, of all the dreams I had to remember!

True, I was mostly joking about that. I think it's the way things should be. It just goes against the cultural view, something I should be okay with. And I am with my head. My heart is starting to agree, finally.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tuesday,

I have to say that I kinda liked the multiple “unrelated” questions, it really is not that different from many of the other videos because they already often include multiple questions.

It is interesting you mention the marriage topic, because it is something I have been thinking about quite a bit lately as one of my friends is getting married this weekend. As much as I would like to be married someday, I am becoming continually more aware of how I first need to be satisfied in Christ before I truly consider marriage.

On the topic of dreams, interestingly in the marriage dreams I have had my “spouse” has been faceless. I also just try to enjoy the blissful happiness in those dreams for what they are, dreams.

-Just a girl

Tuesday said...

This is something that's taken quite a long time to take hold in my life, but it's true. I'm realizing it more and more, not just in the area of marriage, but in others as well. I need to first become completely satisfied in who Jesus is before I can enjoy other things he's given me for what they are.

This was the only marriage dream I can remember having - I think I would prefer an anonymous wife, for the same reasons you mentioned.

Thanks! Your two cents were greatly appreciated.

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