I'm really wondering how to make this work. I guess, partially, the people I'm likely to spend the most time with are the people who agree with me about what's important, and the activities I do... well, the other people wouldn't be there doing them with me if they didn't think they were worth doing. But, I'm curious, what do you think?
Fun fact: I recorded the "haircut" sound by holding my computer in one hand and shaving with the other.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Not to be completely pretentious or anything :P
Huh . . . this is kind of interesting. I think there's give and take. Sometimes you just don't hang out with people who don't share your values. Sometimes with people you live with, or people you care about, you do what they think is important because it's important to them. I think it's kind of a case by case basis *shrug*
I think it depends on what you're communicating... if you talk to the people you're with, and ask them if you can work on legos when they work on furniture design and they're okay with it, it wouldn't be alienating. However sometimes we have to listen to people talk about things that aren't interesting to love them better. And I don't think that that's a waste of time.
A Year Of Questions is a project begun on March 22, 2010, by seven teens who want to be better at asking questions and articulating answers. This blog exists to make it easier to discuss these questions (because a 500 character limit on YouTube comments is rather limiting). Enjoy!
Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Not to be completely pretentious or anything :P
Huh . . . this is kind of interesting. I think there's give and take. Sometimes you just don't hang out with people who don't share your values. Sometimes with people you live with, or people you care about, you do what they think is important because it's important to them. I think it's kind of a case by case basis *shrug*
I think it depends on what you're communicating... if you talk to the people you're with, and ask them if you can work on legos when they work on furniture design and they're okay with it, it wouldn't be alienating. However sometimes we have to listen to people talk about things that aren't interesting to love them better. And I don't think that that's a waste of time.
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