
Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday - January 16

Easter Eggs:
- At seventeen seconds there is totally a ghost caught on camera! or, an enthusiastic piece of dust. Which considering I'm filming in my parents' closet, is very likely.
- My intro reference: [I sound just like her! . . . said the liar.]
- I filmed no less than seven different videos today. I should have saved them for a rainy day, but I needed more room on my hard drive.
- The suggested tags for this video included words like "romantic fantasy writing" and "dental" and "health diet". WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOUTUBE?!


McKenzie said...

That is a very good question. . .and no, I do not just watch Saturday! :) So I'm considering how I'm going to answer this because several replies come to mind. Here goes:

#1 I watch A Year of Questions pretty much everyday or every other day. I think it is an awesome channel. I'm going to miss ya'll after it is over.

#2 I enjoy hearing all of your thoughts and getting to know you guys. I'm sure there is at least one time that each day of the week has made my day in some way or another. No kidding. I'm not really sure what else to say other than thank you.

#3 In addition to getting to hear others thoughts, I find that there are things I agree with, don't agree with, answers I don't know (which make me think and pray more about them), and stuff that makes me laugh (which is often!).

So Sunday, not sure if that answers your question. But truly, I think you guys are awesome - It's been such a blessing to me! It makes me want to meet you all! But anyways, I have really been enjoying getting to see a new video every day of the week. And if you ever do another "A Year of (whatever you choose)" I'd love to be a part of it!

P.S. Scratch the 4 YouTube boxes....I think I'd need wayy more to fit this :P Thanks Sunday!

L.E. Fiore said...

1) Hayley. I make a weekly habit of watching your videos. So relax. ;-)

2) I think your comment about asking questions while not having the answer is the key. Saturday usually has the answer to his question- so, like, it's almost informative. It's not a metaphysical question which can't be answered- it's more like a thesis with an argument. Maybe informing people (maybe not of anything important, but entertaining in the very least) lends a certain legitimacy and compelling "quality" to videos. (How do left-handed people open doors? Look at this cool question face people make when they realize their own sandwich has smacked into their window!)

3) I saw your scarf. on your video. And I liked it. And I think it looks warm. And it looked adorable on you. And I loved your hair.

and just. love in general- flowing your way.


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