
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday - September 22

Wednesday talks a little disorganizedly about the purpose of friendship, and what makes friendship different than other relationships.

I haven't ever had any close non-Christian friends, so I'm still not sure how all of the pieces fit together.


Liz said...

The whole time I kept wondering if the glass thing behind you was a picture frame or a window or a mirror. (It looks really good!) What . . . exactly is it?

And, to everything you said: Yes.

Wednesday said...

:D It's a window. I'm on my front porch. But it's reflecting the trees outside my house. =)

Thursday said...

I miss you, Wednesday.

Thursday said...

I don't see how people needing people is a physical problem any more than it's a spiritual problem. I think people need people spiritually as well. What's interesting about . . . these people needing people . . . is that friends can be united even without something that it is "about" (sorry, Lewis) Sometimes you could just listen to your friend talk about what IKEA looks like, but because it's your friend you want to listen anyway.

"Friends are people who care about your soul. It's like a mutual agreement that you are going to care about each other." *sigh* Yes.

There's a kind of . . . going to your friends that is in-place of God, and also a kind of going to friends that is . . . a call to God. The first is a relationship with you and the friend. The second is a relationship with you and the friend and God, or you and God, and the friend and God . . . and you and the friend. Do you know what I'm saying?

Wednesday said...

You're right, I think I should have said external and internal, instead of physical and spiritual.

:nod: I do know what you're saying. :)

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