
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday - August 5

Thursday talks about Pascals Wager, and does something half way through the video that changes . . . everything.


Wednesday said...

Part 4: Uh-huh, I understand... but no, I think you're coming through. :)

I like your explanation of this.

I think Pascal's wager only works from the outside, where people act as if we're playing make-believe instead of actually receiving a certainty from God himself. So Pascal's wager is good for someone approaching or studying Christianity - a "what have I to lose" mindset - but isn't real faith.

I really like that Kierkegaard quote, and you're right, I do need to read him. Should I start with Works of Love or the Sickness Unto Death?

Thursday said...

Start with The Sickness Unto Death, I think. It's shorter, and also really wonderful. Then you should read Works of Love, too :)

Monday said...

You sort of said it, which means that I think I agree with you that Pascal's wager isn't belief in God, but belief that believing in God is an intelligent thing to do. It's... half-faith. I think that if you believe in God, you should also have the belief that believing in God is an intelligent belief. (Yes, that regresses infinitely, but I think Pascal's wager believes in the regressed premises but not in the actual conclusion) (Hofstater wrote about this)

A&A said...

Okay, fine, I'll say it.

The title is clever.

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