Thursday attempts to eat a jar of pickles as punishment for failing to upload a video last week, and talks about contentment. (By the way, Friday, this seems like a topic you've given a great deal of thought to. I'd appreciate your perspective.)
Easter Eggs: - At seventeen seconds there is totally a ghost caught on camera! or, an enthusiastic piece of dust. Which considering I'm filming in my parents' closet, is very likely. - My intro reference: [I sound just like her! . . . said the liar.] - I filmed no less than seven different videos today. I should have saved them for a rainy day, but I needed more room on my hard drive. - The suggested tags for this video included words like "romantic fantasy writing" and "dental" and "health diet". WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOUTUBE?!
A Year Of Questions is a project begun on March 22, 2010, by seven teens who want to be better at asking questions and articulating answers. This blog exists to make it easier to discuss these questions (because a 500 character limit on YouTube comments is rather limiting). Enjoy!